I’ve had several people asking about the Christmas anthology. For those who don’t know, I’ll be participating with five other urban fantasy authors who are including short stories for the book. They will range from between 10-20k words each. You may recognize some of the names as they include Connie Suttle, Mark Henwick, Debra Dunbar, J.C. Mells, and J.T. Bock. Below is the cover and the summary for my story:
Kerbasi, a former guardian of Purgatory, has resisted every effort to help him find his humanity. After forty-five hundred years of tending to his prisoners in the cruelest of ways he feels he’s above the petty concerns of mankind. But what’s he to do when he’s charged with bringing comfort to a boy sick with cancer during the holiday season? This is one child who just might break through that impervious wall he’s wrapped around his heart.
RELEASE DATE- December 20th, 2014
The anthology will be free for those who want it. There’s just one catch. To receive it you must agree to being added to all participating author’s book release alerts (your email won’t be used in any other way). If you later find you’re not interested in certain ones you will be able to unsubscribe from future mailings from them.
For those who have already signed up for my book release alerts, I’ll be sending a message out on December 20th letting you know the anthology is available and confirming whether or not you want it after reminding you of the catch. If you do, you’ll get the ebook file for the anthology right after that. Whether you’re on my list or not, you are welcome to email me early saying you’d like to get it and that you’re fine with the stipulation. In that case you’ll get the anthology first thing on the 20th. Just make sure to let me know what type of ereader you use so I can send you the correct format.
A short Q&A with further details on the story for those who would like to know more about it:
1) Which POV will the story be told in?
2) What other familiar characters will be in there?
Melena (of course), Lucas, Emily, Hunter, Cori, and Kariann
3) Will there be any action?
There is a brief fight scene. Maybe two, depending on if you’d count it or not (sorry, no hints on that).
Hope everyone in the U.S. had a great Thanksgiving. Looking forward to sharing this latest installment in the Sensor Series with you!
I agree to the requirement to receive the free copy of the Ebook Facing the Darkness. I have a kindle.
Naomi Rubley
I’ve got you added to the anthology list. Thanks, Naomi!
I would like a copy and agree to the requirement. I even know some of the other authors and it will be interesting to read those i don’t know yet. I have a kindle.
Happy 2nd Advent
I’ve got you added to anthology list, Sebastian. Glad you’re familiar with some of the other authors as well!
I totally agree with you requirement. Tnx;))
Adding you to the list, Charlene 🙂
I agree to your requirements
I’m adding you to the list, Pru! Which ereader do you use so I can be sure to send you the correct ebook format?
Pleas add me as well!!
I would love to be added. I have a kindle.
Brooke and Jacque, I added you to the list and emailed the anthology this morning. Hope you all enjoy!
I would love to be added, I use the Kindle
I agree and I have a kindle
Please add me also. I agree to the requirements. I also have a kindle
I agree and would love to have a copy! Have a kindle.
Good morning
Hope you are dining well…don’t know what happend but I did not receive the mail on the 20th
Please can you resend?
Doing well…sorry
I got an error message that in came in just a bit ago saying the email didn’t go through. I’ve resent it. Hopefully it gets through this time!
Sorry Susan
Still nothing…can we try an inbox of Facebook? Or maybe another email adres please?
Me thinks this one will work
Tnx for the trouble
Hey, Charlene. I sent it to the new email address. If it doesn’t go through message me on Facebook and I’ll try to give it to you through there.
i agree, i’d love to read it, i’ve got a kindle
I agree and would love to have a copy! Have a kindle.
I’ve sent a copy of the anthology to everyone who requested it above. If you haven’t received it, please let me know.
I didn’t receive it yet. Thank you!
I would love to have a copy of this story also. I have a kindle and my email addy is **********.
I look forward to reading it. I always want to see what’s up with these characters.
I agree and have a Kindle. Looking forward to reading the latest story.
Tracey, I’ve emailed you a copy 🙂