Last updated- September 9th, 2022
Sensor Series FAQ
I thought I’d take the time here to answer any questions readers may have about the Sensor Series and spin-off novels. You should read each question carefully and if it’s something you don’t want spoiled, skip it! If you have any questions not answered here, feel free to ask them in the comments section below, and I’ll get back to you.
1) Now that the main series is over, what’s next?
As you may know, the Dark Destiny Trilogy featuring Cori and Bartol came next after the Sensor Series. It expanded on the same world and continued to follow many of the same characters. The final book for it came out several years ago, so it’s complete. While I’m currently busy finishing the Dragon’s Breath Series, I do hope to write at least one novel for Kerbasi after that. It would follow the big event that occurred with him in Destined for Eternity.
2) Are Melena and Lucas going to show up in the spin-offs?
Yes. They did have minor roles to play in the Dark Destiny Series.
4) Will Lucas and Mel ever get another book?
I have no plans for one at this time, but I’m not ruling it out.
If the above didn’t answer your question, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you.
I loved your sensor and dark destiny series and was wondering if the dark destiny series will become available on audio book as well one day?
Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed both series! So glad to hear it. I wish I could have gotten the Dark Destiny Series into audio, but at this time it’s doubtful. Each book costs about $4000-$5000 to record and release. I didn’t get an offer from a publisher on that series like I did the others, and it’s just well beyond my budget right now. If the opportunity does ever come up, I would certainly do it!