Dragon’s Breath Series FAQ

Last updated- March 3rd, 2023

I thought I’d take the time here to answer any questions readers may have about the Dragon’s Breath Series.  This assumes you have finished the first five books up to Captured in Flames.  You should read each question carefully and if it’s something you don’t want spoiled, skip it!  If you have any questions not answered here, feel free to ask them in the comments section below and I’ll get back to you.

1) How many books are planned for this series?

Seven for Aidan and Bailey, plus one more spin-off novel with Galadon after that.  That will make it eight total for this world.

2) When is the next installment coming out?

The seventh novel, Cast by Flames, is expected to release in late July 2023.  I should have the pre-order set up by the end of May or early June.

3) Will Torn in Flames be available in audio?

Yes, my publisher (Tantor Media) has posted an expected release date of May 23rd.

4) How much time will have passed between books 6 & 7?

About six weeks.


If the above didn’t answer your question, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you.

4 thoughts on “Dragon’s Breath Series FAQ

  1. Heather

    Are these books in traditional print or only kindle?
    I am enjoying the writing but my kindle seems to keep me awake whereas books help me sleep/ relax more. It’s an ADD thing I hear
    Thank you

  2. Robert Lascko

    Can book 6 in the Sensor series and book 2 in the Dragons series be pre-ordered? If so, where would I find the ebooks to do so? I find pre-ordering is like giving yourself a surprise gift. On the day it’s available you open your Kindle and “SURPRISE!” your favorite author has sent you a present.

    Thank you in advance (pun intended) for answering my question.

    1. Susan Illene Post author

      Hello Robert, thanks for asking your question. I don’t do pre-order with my books but I do have a release alert sign-up list so that you can get a message from me as soon as the book is out with the retailer links. This is where you can sign up: http://eepurl.com/-pb-L

      I don’t spam anyone. It is used only to notify fans for when I have released a new book.


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