Category Archives: Updates

Random author updates for January…

I hope those of you who have gotten a chance to read Cast by Flames enjoyed it. Though it ties up most loose ends for the series, obviously certain elements related to Galadon and Rayna couldn’t be completed in that installment.

Back in November/early December while I was waiting on edits to come back for book 7, I reached chapter ten for Galadon. I’m pleased to say that after quite a few late nights this past week, I’ve gotten to the halfway point for the draft. Some of it has been written during the day as well, but my two little boys interrupt me a lot. Christmas break is almost over for my 7-year-old, which will cut down on the chaos at home with only the 3-year-old creating distractions.

I don’t want to say too much right now since I know some people haven’t finished Cast by Flames yet, but you will find out why Galadon’s mother left him on that specific plot of land in his installment and it’s no small reason. Later in January when more of you have had a chance to catch up, I’ll post the first chapter of his book to give you a sneak peek at what’s to come.

In other news, I’m still waiting to hear when Cast by Flames will be released in audio. I’m guessing at least 2-3 months to allow time for recording, editing, etc. I’m also going to work on getting the last three novels into paperback soon. Some of you have asked about that, and I do want to get it done because I’d love to see those covers on physical books. It’s a matter of setting aside the time for it.

If you have any questions/comments, feel free to leave a comment below!

Cast by Flames is now in Kindle Unlimited

First of all, I hope everyone has a Happy New Year! This is just a brief post to let you all know that Cast by Flames is now available in Kindle Unlimited, so if you’ve been waiting, you can finally borrow your copy. Thanks to everyone who has picked up the book already. It means so much to me that you all have stuck with me for this journey.

As for Galadon, I am making great progress with his book. I actually started writing it in November while Cast by Flames was with the editor and just finished chapter eleven yesterday. It will follow Galadon and Rayna’s journey after events from Cast by Flames, and you’ll see many of the other characters from the series. I didn’t do an epilogue for book seven because that would have cut into the story in Galadon, but there will be one for book eight that leaps forward years later to let you know how many of your favorite characters are doing. Stay tuned for progress on that, but my goal is to release it by late April!

Cast by Flames release day!

I am excited to let everyone know that Cast by Flames is now available in ebook format. For the next three days, you can grab it on any of the major retailers. I will pull it from everywhere except Amazon after that to enroll it into Kindle Unlimited. When it’s in KU, I’ll post again to let everyone know who is waiting to borrow it. I’ll also update you all when the audiobook is available.

Below are the details on Cast by Flames and the retailer links. I hope you enjoy this final installment featuring Bailey and Aidan!

Malicious forces are coming for Bailey, Aidan, and everyone they know.  The Kandoran are cunning and ruthless when conquering land and all the beings who live in it.  They infect everyone they touch with evil magic, assimilating them for their own dark purposes.

With a massive army coming they cannot hope to match, the best Bailey and Aidan can do is court as many allies as possible to form an unlikely coalition of pure dragons, shifters, sorcerers, slayers, and humans bound together with the single purpose of preserving their way of life.  They will have to form strategies and fight back in both modern and magical ways their adversary could never anticipate.  Even then, the odds are against them, but with everything they love on the line, they’ll do whatever it takes to survive.






Character list and territory map for Cast by Flames

In preparation for tomorrow’s big book release, I wanted to provide some helpful materials to those who might need them. There are a lot of characters and dragon clans involved in this installment. While some readers either have great memories or they’re good at winging it, anyone else is welcome to use the files below. My beta readers mentioned they did help them keep track of the story better.

For the character list, it will briefly describe each person and which books in the series where they have appeared. Some of them are brand new for book seven, so be aware that looking closely at this list before reading the novel could slightly spoil the story for you. I tried to minimize that as much as possible with just enough detail to remind you of who they are, though. Any past characters who are not involved in this novel, or at least mentioned by name, have been removed from the list, so you won’t find them on it.

The map, updated since book 6, provides the locations of more dragon clans. Many are involved this time, so it should help you reference who is who if needed. Please feel free to download or copy these for your use. I hope you find everything below helpful in anticipation of the Cast by Flames ebook release!

Happy holidays and an update!

This year has gone by so fast. I’m pleased I’ve made my goal of finishing the seventh and final novel of the Dragon’s Breath Series featuring Bailey and Aidan. The edits for Cast by Flames are finished, and I sent the final version to the audio publisher yesterday afternoon. Of course, it will still take some time to get it recorded and edited for that version, but I’ll let you know when I have a release date for it. In the meantime, the ebook will be out on December 30th for you to enjoy. That is only five days away!

This installment was my longest book yet at 158,000 words (final count after changes), so it was with the editor for over a month before I got it back. During that time, I began work on Galadon. It’s the one spin-off novel for the series. So far, I’ve written over 21,000 words, and I’m loving the journey with him. If all goes well, I’ll have his book out by late April 2025.

My publishing goals after this series have changed since I last discussed the topic. A whole new story and world have been developing in my head this year within the fantasy genre. I don’t want to give away much right now, but I will definitely give you all more details in a few months.

In the meantime, I’m wishing you all happy holidays (whichever you celebrate). With a 3-year-old and 7-year-old, I’ll have a mess on my hands this morning to clean up from presents, but it’s always fun to see their excitement on Christmas morning.