I know many of you are waiting anxiously with news on Darkness Wanes. It’s progressing, though not as fast as I’d like. I’m working on revisions for the early chapters now and once I have them finished I’ll move back to writing the remaining chapters of the book. The holidays have slowed me down a bit, as well as the medical issue mentioned in my last post. No definitive news on that yet, but a new doctor I’m seeing is recommending some testing I haven’t had done. She thinks I might have endometriosis and recommended laparoscopic surgery to check. It could be what is causing my problem, but it’s a rather invasive procedure for something I might not have. For now, I’m looking at alternatives and waiting until after the holidays before deciding what step to take next.
Now for some good news! A while back, Kara-Karina over at Nocturnal Book Reviews asked me to write a short Christmas story for the Sensor Series. She asked that it especially feature Kerbasi. This was tricky because I knew it would have to be set after Darkness Wanes on the series timeline. With the delays on the book, I didn’t want to reveal any major spoilers. I eventually settled on telling the story from an all-new character’s point of view (a human woman). It involves her meeting Kerbasi during a blizzard in Fairbanks on Christmas Eve. They don’t hit it off too well at first, but their situation sort of forces them together. You’ll have to read it to find out what else happens.
This story doesn’t conflict with Darkness Wanes in any way. The only spoilers you might see are the fact Kerbasi is still around and the world is still dealing with supernaturals being out in the open. Nothing earth-shattering. I meant for it to only be about 2500 words, but it grew to about 5000 words after revisions/edits. The title of the story is “An Unexpected Gift” and will go live on Nocturnal Book Reviews early morning on Christmas Eve. Those who stop by and comment will be entered into a drawing with the chance to win a Kindle Fire HD 8 and some other book promo items. I hope this helps make up for the book delays and that you enjoy the story. I will post a reminder here and on other social media so you don’t forget to check it out. A winner for the drawing will not be selected until December 30th. If you can’t get to it right away, you still have a few days after Christmas to make it.
I’m also participating in a Facebook holiday event with 20 other urban fantasy authors. A lot of amazing prizes are being given away each day. Some of you have already joined in, but for anyone else who is interested this is the link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1479007045739422/

My date for giving out prizes is December 19th, along with Donna Augustine and Hailey Edwards. I’ll be running several giveaways and leave them up most of the day so that regardless of your timezone you should have a chance to enter. The banners with the list of prizes are below. Special thanks to Sarah L. for getting her husband to design them for me (and on short notice!). They turned out great.
Other authors have already started their giveaways and more will continue all the way to the 20th. You should definitely join in the fun!

I’ll continue to keep you all updated about Darkness Wanes. In the meantime, I hope everyone’s holidays are going well!