Character list and territory map for Cast by Flames

In preparation for tomorrow’s big book release, I wanted to provide some helpful materials to those who might need them. There are a lot of characters and dragon clans involved in this installment. While some readers either have great memories or they’re good at winging it, anyone else is welcome to use the files below. My beta readers mentioned they did help them keep track of the story better.

For the character list, it will briefly describe each person and which books in the series where they have appeared. Some of them are brand new for book seven, so be aware that looking closely at this list before reading the novel could slightly spoil the story for you. I tried to minimize that as much as possible with just enough detail to remind you of who they are, though. Any past characters who are not involved in this novel, or at least mentioned by name, have been removed from the list, so you won’t find them on it.

The map, updated since book 6, provides the locations of more dragon clans. Many are involved this time, so it should help you reference who is who if needed. Please feel free to download or copy these for your use. I hope you find everything below helpful in anticipation of the Cast by Flames ebook release!

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